All Written, Produced, Filmed, Voiced and Edited by Heidi Nakanishi
 Interview with Eve Edmonds, Artist and Entrepreneur--
How to Pronounce "Nakanishi"
This was an algorithm produced for my master's media production class.
Topic-- A guide to help those with hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia-- a fear of long words (seriously). *Additional images are copyrighted by their respective authors.
PSA - MaxFund No-Kill Animal Shelter
A Public Service Announcement done for my graduate course in media production.
*MaxFund has not endorsed the making of this piece. MaxFund logos are copyrighted by their respective authors.
American Proverb - Video
Here's a little project for my graduate Media Production course.
Videography, Acting and Editing by Heidi Nakanishi
Music: "All Star" by Smash Mouth
White Substance from Farmer's All Natural
Powerful Substance from Ten High (because Jack wasn't available)
*None of the products, manufacturers or artists have endorsed my creation.
Inventing Skill-Sets during Tough Economy
A video news feature created for my graduate media production course.
*All images are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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